2018 annual meeting of neurosurgery in Hebei province

The 2018 Hebei annual neurosurgery conference was held in Xingtai, Hebei province, from 14th  to 16th September, 2018. This conference was co-sponsored by neurosurgery branch of Hebei medical association neurosurgeons branch of Hebei medical doctors association, undertaken 

by Xingtai people's hospital.

It was an important provincial annual conference in the field of neurosurgery. Our company attached great importance to it also participated in this conference. In this conference, our company displayed various products, such as our marketable products ‘disposable suction tube',

‘intraoperative hemostasis bipolar’,‘electric coagulation tweezers’.

Opening ceremony

The "Intraoperative Hemostasis Bipolar" of our company was recognized by experts on the venue. Everyone had a keen interest in for this product.



Congratulated to the conference!

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